Privacy Policy


Sportitude is a sports coaching and activity clubs/camp provider. We work with children aged 4-16 in various settings, including schools and 3rd party sites such as Knockhatch Adventure Park and local primary schools. 

When we are working in schools, we do not need to collect any personal data- as the schools retain all the necessary information and can deal with any issues without the need to divulge any personal information about children to 3rd parties. 

Exceptions to this rule are the disclosure of medical, physical, and behavioural needs that Sportitude coaches need to understand to deliver safe and appropriate sports sessions.

In relation to clubs and camps, where parents/carers/guardians need to register and book online, we only ask for personal information that allows us to contact parents/carers/guardians and to understand attendees’ (children’s) individual needs, allergies etc.

How We Collect and Store Your Data:

All bookings on to our clubs and camps can ONLY be made through our 3rd party booking partners

This information can be accessed by Sportitude staff, and, on occasion, we allow a nominated individual/s from the venue school or site to access this information where that function is necessary or helpful to the safeguarding of children or the facilitation of the club/camp.

Where we share access to personal information with a venue, they can only access the information regarding children attending their site.

Sportitude does not download or store personal data, it is only accessible through the booking platforms.

Sportitude does not have access to financial records, such as payment card or bank account numbers.  Payments are processed by the booking platforms therefore, we do not store these records.

All photo/video/audio files are collected with expressed, written, permission from the parent/carer/guardian. These files are stored securely on a device that is only accessible by the Directors and/or nominated individuals who work for Sportitude .

Where camps are funded through a local authority or other sponsor, we may share details of bookings with these parties where it is a stipulation of the funding. Where this happens, it is almost exclusively for the funding source to be able to check that those attending meet the criteria of the funding.

What Personal Information Do We Collect?

As stated in the policy overview, we only collect information that is relevant to our staff being able to keep children safe and happy.

Parents/Carer/Guardian information collection:

  • Name
  • Relationship to child
  • Address
  • Emergency contact telephone number
  • Alternative appropriate adult contact
  • Relationship to child
  • Address
  • Emergency contact number

Child information collection:

  • Name
  • DOB
  • School currently enrolled with
  • Medical, physical, and behavioural needs
  • Food allergies and dislikes where the club/camp involves a meal or packed lunch
  • Whether we may take, and store, photos/videos/audio for the purpose of advertising and promotion.

Parent/Carer/Guardian information for advertising and promotional reasons:

We will never use children’s personal information for advertising or promotional purposes. However, we will use parent/carer/guardian contact information to communicate upcoming events and promotions.

Your right to be forgotten:

Sportitude and our booking platform customers retain the right to request for ALL information held about them or their children to be removed from the database. In order to do this, you may simply delete your profile/account on the booking site and all of your information will be removed from the system.